3-rooms. Mini-hotel for 17 guests, 120 m2

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Children Age 2 — 12
Maximum 17 guests (not counting infants)
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Minimum stay period for this ad — 1 day
Booking for one day is possible one day prior to arrival or on the day of arrival
Minimum stay for this period —
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Maximum 17 guests (not counting infants)
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per day

On the site since september 2014 Rent

Languages: Русский
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Communicate only through Vlasne. For security reasons, never transfer money and do not communicate outside the site
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286 per day

The owner


On the site since september 2014 Rent

Languages: Русский
Contact the owner
Communicate only through Vlasne. For security reasons, never transfer money and do not communicate outside the site

flat description

Hostel Randevu: Hostel «Randevu» znahoditsya in quiet rayonі tsentralnoї Chastain mista Lviv, deprivation 7 hvilin pіshoї walk to golovnoї turistichnoї atraktsії Lviv - ploschі Gorodocka. Nepodalіk hostel znahoditsya zatishny i ​​naystarіshy mіsky Ukraїnі Park - Park IM. Іvana Frank. The order takozh roztashovanі chislennі L'vivs'ki kav'yarnі, cafes, restaurants, viznachnі mіstsya that atraktsії mista.

Hostel skladaєtsya of 11, 4 is the 2 mіsnih comfortable nomerіv in cutaneous znahodyatsya novі lіzhka s ortopedichnimi mattresses that Shafco on key zberіgannya NKVD speeches. Yea two toilets that dushі s postіyno garjachego water. Gostі hostel mozhut bezkoshtovno koristuvatisya Static preparation kitchen, hair dryer, Prasquier ironing doshkoyu. Until poslug guests bezkoshtovny WI-Fi. Priya guests whether yaky hour Dobie. Lviv - the Mecca of Tourism, Got tsіkavu іstorіyu, starovinnu arhіtekturu, volodіє especial charm, Bhagat on kulturnі podії and poznayomitis you usіm s CIM dopomozhe our staff. Mi zavzhdi will radі dopomogti you have virіshennі rіznih problems dopomozhemo s Víbora ekskursіy, cafes, nіchnih klubіv, pіdkazhemo yak to get here whether yak point mista chi pop'єmo s just you zapashnoї lvіvskoї Kawi yak dorechі we bezkoshtovna. Either positively vіdguk - our incentive and Vashі Offers - our plan dіy. Will radі bachiti you in nashomu Hostelі. Zustrіnemos in Lviv! In cost is included:  Wi-Fi services Internet;  kava tea;  koristuvannya Prasquier that ironing doshkoyu;  zamіna cutaneous three dnі of residing rushnikіv that postelі;  koristuvannya staffing the kitchen;  Cameri skhovu;  zamovlennya taksі;  zamovlennya kvitkіv theater, Kino. Tsіni: Lіzhko 4-mіsnomu zagalnomu nomerі s Single lіzhkami - UAH 100 Lіzhko 11-mіsnomu zagalnomu nomerі s dvoyarusnimi lіzhkami - 80 UAH Dvomіsny room - 250 UAH

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Rent terms and conditions

after 12:00
Check out
up to 11:00
Conditions of cancellation
Check-in/out terms

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