
Main information

Registered 2015-11-30
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Owner's properties

Rostov-on-Don, Guards lane. 11/4 1-rooms. apartment for 4 гостей, 52 m2 2070 For the period of
Rostov-on-Don, Islets lane. 97 1-rooms. apartment for 4 гостей, 48 m2 2070 For the period of
Rostov-on-Don, Maxim Gorky 11/43 2-rooms. apartment for 4 гостей, 107 m2 2645 For the period of
Rostov-on-Don, Guards lane. 11/4 1-rooms. apartment for 2 гостей, 52 m2 2070 For the period of
Rostov-on-Don, Ave Gvardejskij 11/2 2-rooms. apartment for 4 гостей, 60 m2 2300 For the period of
Rostov-on-Don, Str. Maksima Gorkogo 48 2-rooms. apartment for 5 гостей, 60 m2 1898 For the period of
Rostov-on-Don, Str. Maksima Gorkogo 73 2-rooms. apartment for 3 гостей, 65 m2 1955 For the period of
Rostov-on-Don, Mechnikova 142a 2-rooms. apartment for 5 гостей, 65 m2 2070 For the period of
Rostov-on-Don, Str. Narodnogo Opolcheniya 207 2-rooms. apartment for 4 гостей, 60 m2 1955 For the period of
Rostov-on-Don, Str. Narodnogo Opolcheniya 207 2-rooms. apartment for 4 гостей, 60 m2 2070 For the period of
Rostov-on-Don, Str. Pushkinskaya 49 1-rooms. apartment for 1 гостя, 40 m2 1725 For the period of
Rostov-on-Don, Str. Pushkinskaya 39 3-rooms. apartment for 6 гостей, 87 m2 2299 For the period of
Rostov-on-Don, Ave Sobornyj 72 3-rooms. apartment for 5 гостей, 85 m2 2300 For the period of
Rostov-on-Don, Str.Soglasiya 21 2-rooms. apartment for 6 гостей, 60 m2 2013 For the period of
Rostov-on-Don, Str. Filimonovskaya 78 1-rooms. apartment for 4 гостей, 45 m2 1725 For the period of
Rostov-on-Don, Ave Halturinskij 4 1-rooms. apartment for 2 гостей, 35 m2 1495 For the period of